Attività principali: sintesi di small molecules photoswitchable e caratterizzazione in vitro.
La call appare chiusa ma sarà riaperta.
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Categoria: News
Green Christmas Session 2023
Si segnala l’evento Green Christmas Session 2023 “Photosynthetic microorganisms for sustainable development”, una conferenza online ad accesso gratuito incentrata sullo sviluppo di applicazioni biobased che impiegano microrganismi fotosintetici e sulla tecnologia all’avanguardia per studiare le strutture fotosintetiche. L’evento si terrà nelle mattinate del 6 e 7 Dicembre prossimi.
La locandina dell’evento è scaricabile qui.
Il link all’evento è
IUPB Congress 2024
The executive Board of the International Union of Photobiology (IUPB), the Molecular and Experimental Pathology Society of Australasia (MEPSA), and the Local Organising Committee, cordially invite you to attend the 18th International Congress on Photobiology, which will be held in Perth (Australia) from the 25th to the 30th August 2024.
Further details in the attached PDF.
Posizione di dottorato (fotofarmacologia) a Barcellona
Si segnala il seguente bando di dottorato:
gruppo di ricerca:
NIS Colloquium “Antimicrobial Biomaterials and their Potential Applications”
you are kindly invited to participate to the NIS Colloquium “Antimicrobial Biomaterials and their Potential Applications” that will take place on the 19th of June 2023 from 14 to 18:30 at the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology – Aula Magna – Via Accademia Albertina 13, Turin, Italy.
The workshop is organized by the Departments of Chemistry of the University of Turin and NIS Centre.
*Attendance is free, but you are required to register at the following link by June 15th:
Antibiotics have seen extensive use in applications ranging from healthcare, livestock, and food security. However, wide-spread distribution and misuse of these antibacterial compounds has led to increased antimicrobial resistances (AMR), which is currently projected to affect over ten million lives by 2050.
As such, with antibiotics serving as a primary treatment for wound management, it is necessary to consider alternative strategies that do not promote the generation of antimicrobial resistances.
With this colloquium we wish to bring together national and international researchers that are tackling this topic from different perspectives with the aim to discuss the latest results and opportunities.
Confirmed speakers:
– Silvia Irusta, University of Zaragoza
– Manuel Arruebo, University of Zaragoza
– Sonia Fiorilli, Polytechnic of Turin
– Elisa Restivo, University of Pavia
– Sonja Visentin, University of Turin
Slots for oral contributions are available. If interested, please contact the organisers: or
Photons & proteins
A workshop in honor of Martin Chalfie
Università di Parma, Centro Sant’Elisabetta
July 3, 2023 14.30-18.00
The discovery and development of the Green Fluorescent Protein has revolutionized the research in life sciences, by making accessible real-time molecular processes in living cells that would be otherwise invisible. Besides being at the basis of structural and functional fluorescence imaging, the interaction between visible photons and proteins is responsible for a variety of processes that are at heart of life. In the occasion of the conferral of the honoris causa degree in Physics by the University of Parma to Nobel laureate Martin Chalfie, the workshop intends to honor his work and proposes an array of lectures touching on diverse aspects of the interaction of light with proteins.
This workshop is part of the events planned for celebrating the 50th anniversary since the foundation of the Italian Society for Pure and Applied Biophysics (SIBPA).
The Empire of Light Alberto Diaspro Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Università di Genova
Photoswitching in fluorescent proteins followed by time-resolved X-ray crystallography Martin Weik Institute of Structural Biology, Grenoble
Genetically encoded photo-switchable molecular sensors for optoacoustic and super-resolution imaging Andre C. Stiel Helmholtz Center Munich
Multiple LOV: blue-light sensing, fluorescence and oxygen Aba Losi Università di Parma
Channelrhodopsins in nerves and land plants: challenges and opportunities Georg Nagel University Würzburg
Participation in the workshop is free and no registration fee is required. However, due to the limited capacity of the lecture hall, it is necessary to send the request to participate by June 15, 2023. For information, contact Stefania Abbruzzetti ( or Cristiano Viappiani (
Photons and bugs
Supramolecular Chemistry Days for Young Researchers 2023
Dr. James Kincaid passed away
Dear SIFB members, colleagues and friends
It is with great sadness that we must inform you that Dr. James Kincaid passed away on Monday, September 26, 2022.
He worked in the field of heme proteins/spectroscopy.
Many of us were fortunate to have met him while attending the SPP and ICPP symposia.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
Consiglio Direttivo SIFB
PhD opportunity in Sorbonne University, Paris, France
“Encapsulation of photoactive proteins in inorganic mesoporous materials”. Laboratory for Surface Reactivity, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.Several photoactive proteins are nowadays used in various fields, ranging from optogenetics to biosensors.Recently, several research groups, including ours, have explored the encapsulation of photoactive protein in mesoporous silica matrices.In our laboratory, the photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein OCP [1], involved in photoprotection of cyanobacteria, has been successfully encapsulated in raw and surface-functionalized SBA-15 matrices (PhD thesis Ms S. Leccese, defense foreseen in September 2022).Interestingly, OCP retains its photoactivity when bound to the matrix [2,3]. The choice of OCP has been prompted by its simplicity (being constituted by a ~300 amino acid and a single carotenoid) and by its strong anti-oxidant properties.In this project, we plan to extend the investigation to a recently-discovered new form of OCP, with higher quantum yield of conversion. In addition, we aim to encapsulate another photoactive protein, the Water-Soluble Chlorophyll Protein (WSCP), which have interesting emitting properties and can act as a singlet oxygen generator [4]. The encapsulated proteins will be characterized by a multidisciplinary approach combining optical spectroscopy techniques (UV-Vis, fluorescence, and especially time-resolved FTIR, a technique well-established in LRS – Dr Mezzetti is a well-known expert in its application to photoreactions and proteins, including OCP [5] and chlorophyll-containing proteins [6]) with usual mesoporous materials characterization techniques. Transient EPR experiments will also be possible through an on-going collaboration with the University of Padova, Italy.[1] Muzzopappa, Kirilovsky, Trends in Plant Sciences 2020, 25, 92[2] S. Leccese Tesi di Laurea (M2 report) Univ. Bari & LRS, Italy, 2019.[3] Leccese, Onfroy, Wilson, Kirilovsky, Casale, Guira, Selmane, Mezzetti, submitted to Microporous Macroporous Materials.[4] Renger, Pieper, Theiss, Trostmann. Paulsen, Renger, Eichler, Schmitt, J. Plant Physiology 2011, 168, 1462[5] Mezzetti, Alexandre, Thurotte, Wilson, Gwizdala, Kirilovsky J Phys Chem B 2019, 123, 3259[6] Carbonera, Di Valentin, Spezia, Mezzetti, Current Protein and Peptide Science 2014, 15, 332
Salary is roughly 1450 euro net/month, and it can be complemented (~150 euro month) by some teaching.
The pre-selected candidate will have to pass an interview in front of the board of the doctoral school around middle of may.The person should obtain his Master degree before October 2022.
The ideal candidate has a overall good background in chemistry or material science and a special interest in interactions between proteins and inorganic surfaces.This is a very interdisciplinary project, which includes nanoparticle synthesis, surface functionalisation, optica spectroscopy (including time-resolved techniques), molecular biology, photochemistry/photobiology.Sorbonne Université is n. 35 in the planet according to Shangai ranking (2nd in France, and 6th in Europe, including UK).The lab is located in Place Jussieu, in the Pierre etMarie Curie Campus, in the center of Paris.Any interested candidate should contact before April 7 Dr Alberto Mezzetti at alberto.mezzetti (at)