Italian Meeting on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines – IMPP-3
terza edizione del meeting nazionale:
📆 25-27 Giugno 2025
📍 Università degli Studi di Milano (Aula C03, Via Mangiagalli 25, Milano)
Il meeting IMPP-3 rappresenta un’importante opportunità per ricercatori interessati allo studio e alle applicazioni dei porfirinoidi, ovvero di tutti quei macrocicli con strutture riconducibili alla struttura delle porfirine.
L’evento sarà un’occasione unica per:
• Condividere ricerche all’avanguardia in campi diversi e complementari in cui i porfirinoidi sono utilizzati.
• Favorire il confronto tra esperti e giovani studiosi.
• Rafforzare collaborazioni già in atto e crearne di nuove.
💻 Per maggiori dettagli sul programma e sulle modalità di partecipazione, vi invitiamo a visitare il sito ufficiale dell’evento:
Per incoraggiare una partecipazione ampia e inclusiva, abbiamo mantenuto i costi di iscrizione contenuti, così da permettere a tutti di contribuire e beneficiare di questo incontro scientifico.
Vi invitiamo a condividere questa informazione con colleghi e studenti che potrebbero essere interessati.
Per qualsiasi domanda o chiarimento, non esitate a contattarci direttamente o tramite la segreteria organizzativa:
Roberto Paolesse (
Emma Gallo (
Categoria: News
Sorgente di luce UV anti-microbica
Sorgente di luce UV anti-microbica al primo posto nel concorso del Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy
Lo scorso 30 ottobre si è svolta a Roma la fase finale del concorso IP Award (Intellectual Property Award), organizzato dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy in collaborazione con NETVAL e Invitalia.
Il concorso premia i migliori brevetti di ricerca realizzati da università, enti pubblici di ricerca e IRCCS titolari di brevetti in vari ambiti tecnologici.
Il primo posto per il settore “Climatech” è stato vinto dall’Università di Firenze con il brevetto “Dispositivo per la sanificazione dell’aria mediante generazione di una barriera di radiazione ultravioletta in flusso d’aria”, di cui i soci SIFB Franco Fusi e Giovanni Romano sono inventori, insieme ai colleghi Guido Toci e Barbara Patrizi (INO-CNR).
L’invenzione riguarda un dispositivo di sanificazione ambientale che crea una barriera di radiazione ultravioletta invisibile spessa dai 15 ai 20 centimetri, accoppiata con un flusso d’aria laminare dalla temperatura e umidità controllate. La barriera è pensata per essere posta in verticale tra le zone che si vogliono isolare dal passaggio di aerosol microbici.
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Bando assegno PRIN 2022
American Society for Photobiology webinars
Si segnalano i seguenti seminari della American Society for Photobiology:
ASP Monthly Webinar Series (first Thursday of every month) free for everyone.
Seminario Dr. Masaoki Kawasumi
UV-Induced DNA Damage Response, Epigenetic Abnormalities and Skin Cancer
Friday May 31st – 11:00 am @Mock-Pharmacy + Zoom
Dr. Masaoki Kawasumi – MD – PhD Department of Dermatology University of Washington Medicine at South Lake Union
Associate Editor, Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine American Society of Photobiology Secretary-elect
2-year PostDoc open position
Congresso IUPB-MEPSA 2024
Congresso IUPB-MEPSA 2024
Topical Collection on Photodynamic Therapy-Enhanced Antitumor Immunity
Dear Italian Researchers working with PDT of cancer,
It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an article to the “Topical Collection on Photodynamic Therapy-Enhanced Antitumor Immunity” for publication in Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences (PPS) – PPS is published under the Springer imprint as of 2021 and is the official journal of the European Society for Photobiology (ESP) and the European Photochemistry Association (EPA).
In 1994, 30 years ago, antitumour immunity induced by PDT was demonstrated by Canti and co-workers. This collection is therefore dedicated to Professor emeritus Gianfranco Canti, University of Milan, Italy. What is more, it is his 75th anniversary this year! PDT and its effects on the host immune system has witnessed significant advancements. Still, there are several scientific gaps to fill.
With the “Topical Collection on Photodynamic Therapy-Enhanced Antitumor Immunity”, the editors Mladen Korbelik and Pål Kristian Selbo, aim to provide a comprehensive platform for original research, reviews, perspectives, communications, and technical notes and welcome submissions that address various aspects of PDT-enhanced antitumor immunity. Detailed information on the scope and topics covered in this topical collection can be found in our recent Editorial in PPS.
Please, submit your manuscript through the journal’s online submission system where you follow the guidelines provided on the PPS website. All manuscripts will be subject to external peer review and published immediately after acceptance on a dedicated area of the journal’s website for greater visibility and impact. The submission deadline is 15th of December 2024.
PPS is a Transformative Journal and you will have the option to choose how your article is published: Traditional publishing model – published articles are made available to institutions and individuals who subscribe to PPS or who pay to read specific articles. Open Access (OA) – when an article is accepted for publication, the author/s or funder/s pay an Article Processing Charge (APC). Check if your institution has a Springer Nature Open Access agreement.
We hope that you will be able to accept our invitation to contribute to this very special topical collection and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Mladen Korbelik and Pål Kristian Selbo, Editors
ESP Photobiology School 7th edition
Following the success of the previous editions, the European Society of Photobiology is pleased to announce the 7th Edition of the ESP Photobiology School, which will be held in beautiful Brixen-Bressanone (South Tyrol, Italy) from 16-22 June 2024.
Details of the School program and registration and logistic information are available at the page
The purpose of the ESP Photobiology School is to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of all main aspects of photobiology, covering the basic principles of photobiology as well its applications in very diverse, multidisciplinar fields, e.g., from understanding the effects of climatic changes to light sensing by living organisms, the effects of light on plants, animals and humans, and the uses of light in biology and medicine.
The course is primarily designed for PhD students and postdocs, and is open also to MSc students and professional scientists wishing to get an introduction to the photobiological sciences.
The School includes basic and advanced special lectures presented by leading experts in the fields of Physical & Chemical Photobiology, Environmental Photobiology, Sensory Photobiology, Plant Photobiology, Human Photobiology, Photomedicine, and Photodynamic Therapy.
The students will also have the opportunity to present their results at a poster session. The posters will be evaluated by the lecturers of the School and the presenter of the best poster will be awarded a travel fellowship to present the poster at the next ESP Congress. In addition, an optional short final test is offered at the end of the course and an exam certificate is provided after evaluation of the exam results. Passing the exam will entitle students to apply for the ESP supplement to the Ph.D. Degree.
Also, the school has a very rich social program aimed at promoting networking among students. This aspect is highly valued by students as it enables scientific collaborations and personal relationships beyond the boundaries of the school.
We look forward to welcoming you in Brixen!
Massimo Trotta, President
Santi Nonell, Director
Giorgia Miolo, ESP Treasurer and Local Organiser
PDT & PDD Update 2024
Abstract submission for PDT & PDD Update 2024 is open.
Please follow this link for information how to submit your abstract either online or via e-mail (providing your template-based abstract plus some additional information as explained on the webpage).
Deadline for abstract submission is: February 29, 2024
Please note that we have updated the conference website, e.g, with information about the basic registration fees.
Registration will start on April 1, 2024. Further updates will follow.
The conference offers a forum for experts, students & postdocs, and companies alike. In the tradition of the renowned PDT meetings in Brixen, Italy, we are planning
- no parallel sessions
- a focus on clinical applications
- poster pitches and viewing
- an elaborate social program in a stimulating landscape
We are looking forward to meeting you in Kochel am See!